I have always loved and admired this woman's work: Bakerella - Her cake pops and all of her other stuff as well is just, amazing! I had never tried to make any of these because honestly, they just seemed hard - but with patience, they were, quite literally, a piece of cake! My friend Laura came over to spend the day and that we did - rolling up cake balls (cake crumbled up with 3/4 can of icing for just the right consistency), freezing them, melting candy coatings, shaping some of them, dipping them, sticking on the decorations, making 'oops!' and making new characters out of them. It was fun. The kids absolutely loved them and I figured out that they weren't nearly as hard to make as I imagined them to be. We tried a little of this and a little of that - owls, sock monkeys, turkeys, mummys, reindeer, cats, chickens, ghosts, etc... My favorites were the owls. :)
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